Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why did we choose Huatulco as our entry point into Mexico?  There are several reasons.  Sun Country Airlines has a direct flight from Minnesota that leaves at 11 in the morning.  Beautiful.  Who wants to have to get to the airport at 5am.  The other reason is that if you follow the advice of the State Department's travel warnings then this place seems like a good place to begin.  There were only about sixty folks on our plane including the crew.  It is late in the season and they do have to pick up the people that came down here last week, but Sun Country can't be making any money on that flight. From the airport we took a taxi to Crucecita.  A guy we met on the plane who says he divides his time between living in Mexico and fishing in Wisconsin told us to get a taxi just outside the airport gates.  A short walk and the price drops by half.  We didn't get that far and instead got a discount from the guys at the airport taxi stand.  It's hot, the hills are brown and dry here.  Rains will green up everything but not until July.  The Wisconsin guy says tourism is down.  The Europeans are vacationing in India or Thailand and Americans are afraid or broke.  Our hotel seems full enough with guests at breakfast.  Half are North Americans and half are Mexican families.  Breakfast was great.  Eat like a king for breakfast, a queen for lunch and a pauper for dinner.  I've already had all my calories with a mushroom and cheese  crepe.  The carrot and cactus juices were fresh and fabulous.  I've taught myself to translate Celsius from Fahrenheit this morning because the heat is going to be on my mind today. We should have learned that in grade school but at some point Americans decided not to bother.  So take the Celsius temp times two less one percent then add 32.  Let me get my calculator  out.

1 comment:

  1. The simple statement of "Damn it's hot!" Should suffice. No point in bogging down in the details.... :)
