Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Arrived in Tuxtla via bus yesterday. Taxi dropped us off directly at our air conditioned hotel.  The temp was 100 degrees and we did not attempt to go outside again until early evening.  We passed the modern looking Cathedral and fair of some kind that was going on. We walked in the direction of the Marimba Park looking for dinner.  The only criteria was that the restaurant must be indoors with air.  That was harder to find than you would imagine.  Taco stands were in abundant supply but the heat coming off the grills and outdoor seating did not make us tempted.  Then there was Burger King with the security guard at the front door.  Deliciously air conditioned, we went in for a brief moment before talking ourselves out of it.  We finally found a diner with air although they could have cranked it up a notch or too.

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