Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day from Mexico.  They celebrate on the 10th of May here. It doesn't matter what day of the week it falls on.  As we walked down the hill into town I noticed a few women bringing clothes out to the sidewalks to sell.  Big day for a garage sale.  They must call it something else though. We headed to the mercado this morning. They were selling fruit baskets and flowers like hot cakes.  The butcher shops on the east side of town were all hopping especially the poultry shop where a dozen or so waited in line to give the butcher their order.  We've been in San Miguel for about ten days now and we like to get to know a city by just wandering around not looking at the guidebook excessively. Today we were asked if we knew how to get to the Fabrica Aurora by other tourists.  I guess we've been here long enough that we can give directions.  We're thinking about meandering off to some other town next week most likely to Guanajuato.  It will be a little higher in elevation and a little hillier.  I hope I'm ready for that.

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